7 Secrets of Highly Productive Women

I work full-time in a pretty demanding role. At work, I lead a large team of professionals and interact with clients across the globe to support a diverse portfolio of projects. At home, I transition into my second full-time job as a mother of two very young children, who dislike to eat and sleep. In the last four years, both me and my husband also did our MBA while working. I therefore have little to no time to bring my office work back to my home, meaning I must make the best of the 8 hours I spend at work everyday.  

In this post, I want to share with you my 7 best kept secrets of how I manage to be highly productive at work. Some of these tricks I have learnt through experience and some through a very useful leadership course for first time managers. I still don’t perfectly execute them, but everyday is a new day, and I try again! 

So here goes…

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