Why You Must Set Goals For a Successful Job Search

Welcome to week 1 of the “Dream Job Search Bootcamp”. This week’s theme is “Defining Job Search Goals”. At the end of this week, you’ll have a better understanding of why you must set goals for a successful job search, what are your core values, your strengths and weaknesses, and the type of job that makes you light up and take on the world. And you’ll have a solid plan to get that dream job!

In this post, we’ll talk about the importance of goal setting for making the job search process easier and faster. 

Why is defining goals for your job search so important? When you take the time to establish goals, you are more invested in the process and therefore are more productive. Greater productivity means higher chances of connecting with potential leads and landing you dream job faster. 

What are the benefits of goal setting?

For me, there are 3 main benefits of goal setting during job hunting:

  1. Clarity: Goal setting gives you a clear understanding of your greatest strengths and career interests, and how these are a match to the position you are seeking. This enables a higher chance of success.
  2. Motivation: Goal setting helps with keeping your eyes on the prize. This provides motivation to keep going with full energy even when the going gets tough. 
  3. Accountability: Keeping a detailed written plan of how your will reach your goals invokes accountability. Ensuring that you take baby steps everyday to reach out to that hiring manager, or meeting a contact for coffee is the only way to a successful job hunt. 

In the next post in this series, we will learn how we can know ourselves better by gaining clarity on our core values, competencies and aspirations. This self-awareness is the first step in the quest to get our dream job. Stay tuned!

Have you set job search goals yet?

Interesting Read: I found this article on www.workitdaily.com to be a useful read on how job seekers can set S.M.A.R.T. goals.

If you haven’t already, SIGN UP to receive updates from me as I release new content, worksheets and answer your job related questions during this 6 weeks FREE “Dream Job Search Bootcamp”!

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