Dream Job Search Bootcamp Kickoff

Recruiting season has officially begun! I remember my first career fair in the US, back in fall of 2009. I had just arrived in the States for my Masters program, and only a month into classes, we were expected to land ourselves an internship, that would hopefully convert into a full-time job.

Most universities have a career center, that aims to provide career counselling and resources to all its students. I highly recommend utilizing this invaluable (and free) resource. However, I found that the one on one guidance that I could get from my career center was limited, both in terms of width and depth, because of the sheer volume of students that the staff needed to help, in addition to coordinating all the on-campus recruitment activities. I also wished to hear from someone who had been in my shoes only recently, so that the advice was more relatable.

I am therefore launching the FREE “Dream Job Search Bootcamp” on www.pinkcareers.com. Over the next 6 weeks, I will cover a variety of topics related to job search through blog posts, worksheets, relevant readings and a weekly Facebook Live. Whether you are applying for your first internship or looking to jump ship, these resources will make your job search easier, faster and most importantly, successful!

We will learn how to:

  1. Define job search goals
  2. Write a killer resume and cover letter
  3. Make an attractive LinkedIn profile
  4. Nail the career fair
  5. Excel the interview
  6. Negotiate the dream salary

Make sure you SIGN UP to my weekly newsletter to get updates on the latest posts, resources, Q&A sessions and Facebook Lives. Also don’t forget to JOIN my Facebook group. This will also be a place for you to ask any questions you have during your dream job search.

What is your biggest job search challenge right now? Let me know in the comments below!

Also, share this post with as many of your friends as possible so that they can benefit from the FREE “Dream Job Search Bootcamp” as well!

Good luck and let’s begin!

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